Before you write

    Note that this is a contact form, not a support forum. We would love to hear from you , Eagerly anticipating your inquiry. Know that we will do our best to respond and accommodate to your questions and requests just as soon as possible.

    Please note

    Upon writing regarding a gown order that was placed with one of our retailers – First and foremost :

    THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING NETTA BENSHABUWe love and appreciate you so much !
    With that being said we would kindly request to contact the boutique directly as we want our brides to receive the most accurate response to their order related requests with utmost efficiency and in a timely manner therefore all orders related inquiries are handled by our boutiques exclusively.
    Otherwise-Upon your interest in placing an order , Attending an upcoming event or Styling appointment, Please check out our Trunk Show registration page so we will be able to do our best to accommodate to your interest.

    Buyers/Boutique owners interested in carrying Netta BenShabu – We will be extremely honored to hear from you !

    You can register your interest on our page – Become A Retailer ;

    Upon your inquiry -Kindly expect our team response in a timely manner –

    Your information will be forwarded to our retailers department and you will be contacted by our management team.

    In case of not receiving a form of response that answer your inquiry within 72 hours , please contact us once again .

    XOXO !


    International Retailers & Distribution Support:


    (US east coast- Eastern Standard Time)

    Please note :

    Direct contact information intended for distribution & bussiness inquirers only- Brides inquiries are respectfully requested via this contact form or by the following email:

    Thank You!